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Home | M Louise Robbins

M Louise Robbins

Controller CFO

Email: Lrobbins@sdlitigation.com

My legal career began over 35 years ago while in Miami working for a large defense firm managing their accounting area, which evolved into the supervision of eight staff members and being the right hand of the controller. I then moved to work for smaller defense firms and handling all aspects of administration, accounting and law office management.

Upon my relocation to Jacksonville, I was soon united with the attorneys of Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys and welcomed the change to plaintiff’s law with the diversity it offered in rounding out my legal career. I soon realized that being a part of Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys gave me a new perspective of the law and exactly what plaintiff attorneys do to help their clients.

The care, concern and extreme focus that is placed on attaining the best possible solution for each client is what Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys strives to achieve. Each attorney, along with their paralegals and our entire staff are tirelessly in the pursuit to ensure every client is offered the opportunity to be heard and know that every step has been taken to provide the best possible outcome for their case.

With each accomplishment for our clients, we all garner a sense of satisfaction that justice has been served. I am privileged and honored to be a part of Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys.

Just for the record: I was born in Pennsylvania, have a wonderful husband, two fabulous children who have added their lovely spouses to the family. Then we enjoyed the addition of our two grandsons.

I believe in working to preserve our environment, recycling and saying “plant a tree” – it all helps.
