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Average Car Accident Settlement in Florida (2024)

Robert F. Spohrer

Nobody anticipates being involved in a car accident, but the unfortunate reality is that they still happen every day. Drivers are rarely prepared for what to expect, particularly when they are not at fault; however, understanding the average car accident settlement in Florida can help paint a clearer picture of what the potential compensation may look like should you ever experience an auto collision due to the negligence of another party.

What Elements Determine How a Car Accident Settlement Is Calculated?

While knowing what the average settlement value is can help provide a good reference point for car accident victims, it’s also important to understand how the total settlement amount is calculated. As with any other type of personal injury case, there are many different elements that factor into determining the exact settlement amount for the corresponding damages.

Here are some of the primary elements that determine the total financial value of a car accident settlement:

  • Severity of Injuries: Personal injuries sustained in a car accident are typically categorized into three separate tiers of severity.
    • Tier 1: Includes traumatic brain and/or spinal cord injuries, permanent disfigurement or scarring, and death.
    • Tier 2: Deep and/or complex lacerations, broken or fractured bones, and most other injuries that require surgical intervention.
    • Tier 3: Strains, sprains, contusions, and other kinds of minor injuries that do not require surgical intervention.
  • Insurance Coverage: The overall extent of coverage under the at-fault party’s insurance policy.
  • Medical Expenses: Including all medical expenses that were a direct result of the injuries sustained from the car accident and any expenses for future or ongoing medical treatments and procedures.
  • Lost Income: All lost wages directly resulting from the accident. The victim’s current income, age, and future earning potential are all factored in when determining the total amount of lost income.
  • Legal Expenses: Attorney fees and court fees, especially if the case goes to trial, can add up substantially.
  • Pain & Suffering: Emotional distress that directly resulted from the accident, as well as any mental or emotional trauma that the victim sustained. How the victim’s daily life has been altered or affected and any basic activities that they were previously accustomed to performing but can no longer do are taken into account as well.

All of the elements listed above and more can play a role in determining the total amount of compensation you may be entitled to. Obtaining reputable legal representation in Jacksonville and throughout Florida can help ensure that you receive the full amount of compensation that you deserve to cover all of your physical, emotional, and financial damages sustained as a direct result of a car accident.

Florida’s No-Fault Accident Law

The state of Florida adheres to a no-fault accident law when it comes to auto collisions. This means that the people who sustain injuries from a car accident must first seek coverage through their own car insurance provider before filing a claim against the opposing driver, regardless of who is at fault or the severity of the injuries.

This is particularly helpful in many cases because the injured driver can begin receiving coverage from their insurance provider for their sustained injuries and other damages prior to determining which party was actually at fault. For victims who are seriously hurt and are facing significant damages, this can speed up the process of securing coverage and getting the medical treatment they need right away instead of waiting for the liable party to agree to a settlement.


Q: How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Case in Florida?

A: Given the complexity and unique circumstances of each individual car accident case, there is no predetermined length of time that it takes to settle a personal injury claim. Any given lawsuit can take anywhere from a couple of months to potentially several years to reach an agreed-upon settlement. The overall severity of the damages, the amount of recoverable evidence, and the willingness of the defendant and their insurance company to cooperate can all have a significant impact on the length of a case.

Q: How Much Can Someone Sue for a Car Accident in Florida?

A: In the state of Florida, there are currently no limitations on the amount of economic and non-economic damages that you can seek for your car accident claim. This means that you can legally pursue whatever level of compensation necessary in order to adequately cover the full extent of the damages you sustained from the accident.

Q: How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated in a Car Accident in Florida?

A: There are a variety of factors that play into calculating the amount of compensation due to a victim for emotional distress, otherwise known as pain and suffering. Those factors can include the severity of the injuries sustained, the limitations that said injuries have caused to your daily life, and any past, current, or future pain and suffering that was caused by the accident.

Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Minor Car Accident in Florida?

A: In Florida, the average settlement for a minor car accident claim is currently less than $10,000. This is specifically for cases where minor property damage and injuries were sustained. For car accident settlements of moderate severity, the average amount ranges anywhere between $20,000-$30,000 in total compensation.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, do not hesitate to reach out to a trusted personal injury attorney with experience handling car accident cases in Florida.

They can help guide you through the entire process, from filing the claim with your insurance provider, recovering available evidence, negotiating with the liable party, and fighting on your behalf in court to ensure that you receive the full amount of compensation that you deserve as you navigate your own recovery.

At Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys, our team of experienced personal injury professionals has more than 230 years of combined legal experience and has handled all types of car accident cases. Our trial-ready attorneys have successfully recovered more than $1 billion in compensation for our clients and would be honored to represent you.

Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our car accident attorneys to see how we can help you.