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Deciding to file a medical malpractice case can be a difficult decision to make. Florida’s strict medical malpractice laws can make it seem impossible to develop a successful claim against a medical professional. Still, if you feel you have been wronged by a medical professional and wish to hold them accountable, you can do so. To determine if you have a claim, you may first want to know the common causes of medical malpractice wrongful death in Florida hospitals.
Florida has tough medical malpractice laws that make a medical malpractice case, especially one involving a wrongful death, very difficult to bring to court. That doesn’t make the reasons for bringing a medical malpractice wrongful death suit before the court any less common.
Regrettably, these sorts of incidents are not uncommon in Florida hospitals and can result in the death of a loved one. The following are some of the more common causes of medical malpractice wrongful death in Florida hospitals:
If you believe a loved one suffered a wrongful death due to medical negligence, it is vital that you speak with a knowledgeable attorney. They can help evaluate your claim and file paperwork before you miss the statute of limitations.
A: A wrongful death medical malpractice claim in Florida is a legal claim that states a loved one’s wrongful death was the direct result of medical malpractice. In order to prove medical malpractice on top of a wrongful death claim, a thorough investigation must be launched into the claim. In this investigation, you must be able to prove that a breach of the duty of care caused by the medical professional is what directly caused the wrongful death to occur.
A: There are many different kinds of errors that could lead to a malpractice lawsuit in Florida. Four of the more common errors are surgical errors, diagnostic errors, medication errors, and improper treatment. All of these situations could lead to a malpractice lawsuit being filed and could even result in a wrongful death suit in a worst-case scenario. Healthcare workers are expected to adhere to a standard of utmost professionalism. When they fail to do so, they could be held accountable for it.
A: Yes, it can be hard to win a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida. There is a lot at stake in a wrongful death suit for both parties. Holding someone accountable for the death of a loved one can be a stressful, emotional process. An experienced wrongful death lawyer can guide you through that process and ensure that you do everything you can to succeed in your case. The most effective thing you can do for your case is to gather evidence and prepare for any eventuality.
A: The hardest element to prove in a medical malpractice case is negligence. There is a fine line between negligent behavior and a genuine medical accident. In order to prove negligence was at work in your situation, you need to prove that the medical professional in question deliberately deviated from the agreed-upon duty of care and acted in a reckless or unethical way that led to the patient’s injury or death.
There are few feelings more devastating than learning that your loved one has passed away, especially when it’s due to someone else’s negligent actions. Holding that party accountable, even if it’s a medical professional, can be an important step toward finding closure and starting your healing journey. You will want a wrongful death lawyer who understands your situation and compassionately supports you through the difficult process.
The legal team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys can provide you with solid legal counsel that is explained in whatever way most effectively helps you understand what is happening. Even if you just have questions about the process, our team is here for you. We can help you develop your case, advocate against insurance companies on your behalf, and gather the evidence you need to see this through. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our valued team members today.