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2024 How To Find a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL?

Robert F. Spohrer

Dealing with a medical malpractice situation can be overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing, especially if you are trying to handle it all on your own. Medical malpractice cases can get complex, as they require many specific factors to be considered and proven. Thankfully, this is a situation where you can seek skilled support. You will want an experienced lawyer by your side, which may have you wondering how to find a medical malpractice lawyer in Jacksonville, FL.

Finding a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL

Finding a medical malpractice lawyer in Jacksonville, Florida, is not difficult. What might be difficult is finding a medical malpractice lawyer who you can trust to effectively handle your case. The legal team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys deals in medical malpractice cases all the time, so we can apply successful methods to help you and your case.

Before you decide to pursue a medical malpractice case, you may want to consult with an attorney. They can help you understand everything you need to know about the complexities of medical malpractice cases in Florida. To start, you will need to prove an established duty of care and reasonable causation through an independent investigation. That investigation is just one of many things an experienced medical malpractice lawyer can help you complete.

Qualities & Characteristics of a Quality Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice cases require a different degree of experience and knowledge than most personal injury cases. There is often a lot at stake, both for the plaintiff and for the medical professional they are making the claim against. The support of a trustworthy attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case, but you must first know how to recognize a quality attorney.

Here are some qualities and characteristics you can look for in a good medical malpractice attorney:

  • Applicable Experience: You should always do what you can to hire a lawyer with as much experience as possible. More importantly, that experience should be applicable to your situation. When searching for lawyers, make sure you ask them about their relevant experience in medical malpractice cases or search their law firm’s credentials on your own.
  • Good Feedback: Experience can be greatly beneficial to your case, but so can a lawyer who has left their previous clients satisfied. You may want to search for testimonials from past clients and look for reviews from both satisfied clients and non-satisfied clients. That can help you get a well-rounded idea of the lawyer’s reputation.
  • Confidence: Litigation can be tedious and complex, and it only gets worse in medical cases. The relentless terminology can discourage some clients and even some lawyers. You will want a lawyer confident in how they present themselves and your case. Your lawyer should understand what the stakes are for you but still be willing to take your case on because they believe in their own ability to win it.
  • Compassion: At the end of the day, your lawyer is a human being just like you. A good lawyer does what they can to relate to their client, listen to their struggles and concerns, and convey information in a way that is understood. You can tell when someone genuinely cares about your plight and when someone is pretending to. A good lawyer won’t have to pretend because they’ll be genuine in their desire to reach justice.


Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Florida?

A: There is no way to determine the average settlement for a medical malpractice lawsuit in Florida. Every medical malpractice case is different and will deal with different circumstances and specifics. More so, the settlement amount that results in those cases will not be the same every time. There is no guarantee those amounts will even be close to one another. Certain factors must be taken into consideration to determine the recoverable amount.

Q: What Qualifies as Medical Malpractice in Florida?

A: In Florida, medical malpractice is any medical situation where a medical professional who has an agreed-upon duty of care to a patient engages in unlawful, unethical, or reckless behavior and breaches that duty of care, leading to harm to the patient. Florida’s medical malpractice laws are complex, and certain factors have to be proven in order for a medical malpractice case to proceed. For example, an unsuccessful surgery will not automatically be a malpractice case but could be if the surgeon performs recklessly while operating.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Florida?

A: According to the Florida statute of limitations, you must file a medical malpractice lawsuit within two years. That means you will have two years from the date that the initial malpractice took place to begin filing a claim for damages. If you fail to file within that time frame, your case will likely be automatically dismissed. There are exceptions to the rule, but not many. If the statute has passed, a lawyer can help you determine if your case is an exception.

Q: Why Would a Patient Sue Their Doctor?

A: A patient would sue their doctor if they engaged in medical malpractice, which occurs when a medical professional harms their patient by breaching the duty of care owed to them. Examples of medical malpractice include misdiagnosis, medication errors, surgical mistakes, birth injuries, and failure to treat. If you believe you have suffered medical negligence, a skilled attorney can help you determine if you have a valid claim against the medical professional.

Reach Out to a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Finding the medical malpractice lawyer who’s right for you may not be easy. There are many different elements you have to consider, such as experience, knowledge, education, availability, and cost. Ultimately, you will want to find a lawyer you feel comfortable with and who can represent your interests.

The legal team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys handles medical malpractice cases on a daily basis, so we know how to develop your case and help you succeed in holding negligent medical professionals responsible for their actions. Reach out to speak to a valued team member for a consultation.